Tournament Summary

2018 was a  perfect day, weather cooperated, we had a wonderful turnout and the games were fun and funny.  The players  wanted to be on the field not necessarily with just their feet!

The silent auction was the best yet, with lots to choose from, kid gifts, jewelry, sports memorabilia, and game tickets.

This year we formed a Board to provide direction and insight as we move forward and to generate ideas for the 2019 tournament. We have been meeting every month; went to a half day retreat and developed our mission statement:

“To celebrate Justin by providing athletic and educational opportunities for underserved youth in the greater Lehigh Valley”.

We hosted a  Friday night VIP reception June 14th, for our $500,  $1000 and $1500 sponsors, with some special guests and speakers sharing our story from the start of the Memorial Fund and tournament. After the VIP the Iron Pigs and St. Luke’s had donated 100 tickets for free to the players, to watch the Pawtucket Sox team play the Iron Pigs. It was a wonderful night, we had a special giveaway basket at the game, with Hawk radio broadcasting live.

We were excited to be co hosting an All Star Sports Clinic with St. Luke’s, specifically for Middle and High School Athletes. The Clinic was well attended — looking forward to hosting again in 2019.

Mocktail as usual drew a crowd, one lucky person one a basket a of goodies, selecting the winning Mixologist and her ticket was drawn.  We will be doing the same in 2019. Tasting is all free, the Mixologists are very creative in their concoctions and presentation.

2019 will be our 15th annual, looking forward to celebrating a milestone for us.